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@Saki - I am trying to develop Bryntum Scheduler components in React by importing the helpers and classes from the main source code files rather than import scheduler.umd.
Hi, Is there any available demo project where React wrapper is referencing main source code as shown in the screenshot below: Selection_033.png instead of scheduler.umd.js which is done in all the demos. I am trying to reference Scheduler as shown in the above screenshot instead of scheduler.umd.js ...
I want to make an API call when I finish eventDrag or eventResizing a event with timeline of Schdeuler component. I am using this example Can I get some help?
I am getting the below error while I try to drag event within the timeaxis column in order to assign different date time for start and end dates while dragging. Any sort of help will be appreciated.
drag.png (23.48 KiB) Viewed 952 times
Where can I find a list of icons used in React Bryntum Scheduler CSS files?
I resolved my issue by doing = normalizedData;
. Let me know if this is not a good solution. Thank you for the help.
I managed to do it this way below: Grid.js import React, { Component } from 'react'; import UnplannedGrid from '../lib/UnplannedGrid'; import Task from '../lib/Task'; class Grid extends Component { componentDidMount() { this.unplannedGrid = new UnplannedGrid({ appendTo: 'unplannedContainer', eventSt...
I am using as base. The Grid React component inside components folder from the above example doesn't use CrudManager. the code looks like below: /** * @author Saki * @date 2019-03-08 09:19:25 * @Last Modified...
I tried doing something like below but it doesn't log anything: // we import scheduler.umd for IE11 compatibility only. If you don't use IE import: // import { Grid } from 'bryntum-scheduler'; import { Grid } from 'bryntum-scheduler/scheduler.umd'; export default class UnplannedGrid extends Grid { s...