Search found 38 matches

Oh yeah. Perfect.
That solves the issue

I have tried that pipe | before, but I get back this error bash: file2: command not found

Hi, I have one concern. I wonder if it is possible to include many files while running testing. I mean this: siesta-5.5.1-standard/bin/webdriver url --include file1 file2 --browser=firefox --headless The important part here is --include file1 file2 . chaining --include file1 --include file2 does not...
Hi, Good news! I aliased my localhost to something else as suggested in documentation: . Now, I could generate the report fully. I did not apply that workaround because I run tests using firefox and thought that the issue is o...
Hi there, I need to come back to this thread again From the api documentation I can see this : I just feel that the cmd --nyc.include does not do anything and decide to run npx nyc --help in Siesta folder to better understand ...

unfortunately, it did not work out

yes, it worked in 5.5.0. I will try with


and see what happens

Hi pmiklashevich, Not entirely. Now it is about the coverage report: with this cmd : siesta-5.5.1-standard/bin/webdriver https://localhost:1841/myApp/test/Siesta/test.html --include UT --coverage-report-format=HTML --coverage-report-dir /myApp/test/Siesta/report201014 , I get this result https://www...
Okay, thanks for the reply. I had to remove node from my machine completely before it works About Webdriver I downloaded the binary and replaced the old driver but I had to realize that if my current version of chrome is greater or less than 84, webdriver won't still work on chrome. Here an extra wo...