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used same code test with chrome and safari (Mac os 10.14),
safari does not show head
how to disable the left click event ( add event) to a custom event function?
Is it possible to change the
range >100% and <0 ?
Do you have any demo?
that is not what I mean,
when the resource has
no event records, the left grid side does not show resource , do you have any
Do you have a defult function or some demos,
just load the resource with events in
the current view,in our project,the
resources are more than 5000rows,we need select if show the resource just
have events in the current month view。
Can you give a grid with paging function
demo,It is useful for a big dataset,
we can find the demo used button,combo,slider, is there any demo with
other widget,such as slidermenu,popup menu,some document how to use the predifined widget,thanks.
I just test the js schedule ,All events is all day ,start date=enddate and without timestamp,when I set eventstyle ,It does not work,Is there somthing I missed ?