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We have figured out a solution with the earlySetup and implementing a wait.

Thank you both for your assistance, I wouldn't have gotten this far without them.
PageUrl + Setup Override: PageUrl is being called before my authorization the setup override. In the screenshot, main is called before login PageUrl + EarlySetup Override Authorization works but the test runs through its self before the page loads in the preview window
Perhaps "earlySetup()" is what you are looking for?!/api/Siesta.Test-method-earlySetup Switching to this function causes my Test to go through the chain before the webpage is ready. Note: This is only after making a single change of the function name ...
Ok so my last fix broke another part of my application. I override setup in Siesta.Test.Browser, with authentication information. It seems that the url in pageUrl is called first before the my setup override, how do I fix this?
Unfortunately not.

I decided to instead implement the url portion at the project plan level which works fine.

        pageUrl     : '/workspace/main/index.html',
        url: 'test/main.js'
I have the following chain which when ran it sits on "Waiting for page to load". The page does in fact load so I don't know what I am missing'Should be able to load website', function (t) { t.chain({ setUrl: '/workspace/main/index.html' }, t.expect(1).toBe(1) ) });