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Hi! Some size improvements will come from the issue above, but I'm not sure that they will suite the 500kb. Grid component is quite big itself. If you want the smallest size, you may use thin bundles which have sources (inside @bryntum/grid-thin/lib folder) and copy Wrappers source code to project a...


I've created this issue to cleanup wrapper imports.


The smallest size will be with using GridBase component as ghulam.ghous recommended above.

Which app size do you expect to have?


I suppose we can proceed here while this is related to the same globalThis issue.


Please try the latest available product version.

Hi! I've opened an issue here to fix with the code you have used above: const global = typeof globalThis !== 'undefined' ? globalThis : typeof self !== 'undefined' ? self : null; Please check and confirm that this solution works for you. Regarding to: i...


En Locale is built-in default one and basically no need to pass it separately.

You can access English locale using LocaleHelper.locales.En

Hi! Did you try write something to globalThis for the localization in your app? It is not expected. We provide these methods for managing locales: If you use LocaleHelper.publishLocale we e...
Hi! Could you please send us some debug data on each variable from this code? const global = typeof self !== 'undefined' ? self : typeof globalThis !== 'undefined' ? globalThis : null; What is self there and what is result of global ? Also please try if that works when you replace code with: const g...