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When using the overriden testClass and after adding your suggested code about wait (eg. for any condition) inside the setup method, my external libraries are still not available. Is it possible that my libraries, which are not Ext classes, are not available since they are located in a different cont...
My libraries are loaded in the "preload" config (harness file index.js).
But it's not clear how to wait (and exactly where in the code) for these to be loaded and then call the"setup" method.
Can you provide a simple example ?
Thanks for the information. However I've already implemented two solutions which both seem to not solve my requirements. 1. About putting my global setup code into an external file (as seen into the attachment above) and then calling inside the "startTest" but prior to the "beforeEach...
Inside my test suite I have some setup code which should execute prior to any beforeEach call. The point is this global setup code contains some asynchronous code and I have managed to do this by using beginAsync(...) and endAsync(...) as well. However when I execute my tests the beforeEach(..) is e...
If I comment the call to external function the check about Ext does pass.

After using explicit global assignment on my external js file, the function call does execute correctly.

So this has solved my issue
Attached new setup zip with one test file inlcuded plus the js call to the external js resource.
Besides I have no 404 code about the loaded resources on my console network panel..
I simply call the function as normal function call.
Attached the ZIP file showing my test setup.
Hi, I've written some tests for a Sencha Extjs app (Extjs version 6.5.3 and I'm using Siesta 4.4.4). I need to load an external javascript file which contains some functions I need inside my tests. I've already added an external js file inside the 'preload' option of my harness file but I cannot exe...