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I am looking for some help in making my test suite more modular/reusable along with the ability to execute in parallel. For e.g. In the following test case, there are a few texts that are hard coded. Can I parameterize those? The below test would be run as it is for testing the Data Store creation f...
Will take a look. Thank you.
I understand Siesta supports testing of Angular apps. I am unable to locate any examples or sample code to perform this testing. Most of the documentation seems to be based on the ExtJS. Can I use Siesta for testing my Angular 5 based app? If yes, can you share a few samples to get me started?
I got the common piece of code working in my environment. Here is the working code. Class('Siesta.Test.LoginHelper', { isa: Siesta.Test.ExtJS, methods: { login: function (callback) { var t = this; t.chain( {click : '>> textfield[name=j_username]'}, { type : 'asdasasdasd', target : '>> textfield[name...
I believe I made the 3 changes that you had asked. Here is the updated code. harness.configure({ title: 'Sagacity Test Suite', runCore: 'sequential', autoCheckGlobals:false, //needUI:true, testClass:Siesta.Test.LoginHelper, Class('Siesta.Test.LoginHelper', { isa: Siesta.Test.ExtJS, methods: { login:...
I am getting the following error while starting the test. [DEBUG] Dispatcher start [DEBUG] Runner setup: a Siesta.Launcher.Runner.WebDriverNodeJS [DEBUG] Dispatcher setup starting [DEBUG] Trying to create a WebDriver instance for browser: internet explorer [DEBUG] WebDriver instantiated successfully...
I included the login process in my 'create environment' test case and it is working now. Thank you for your help on this. Now I am trying to create a reusable login method using the 'testClass' option and it is not working for me. Here is my new class file that is included. Class('SagacityLoginClass...
This is helpful. The above test works just fine when run from the Siesta UI. The issue exists when it is run using automation.
I have narrowed down the problem. Here is my index.html. <html> <meta content="text/html;charset=utf-8" http-equiv="Content-Type"> <meta content="utf-8" http-equiv="encoding"> <head> <link href="
Hi, Thanks for the help. I also want to know, is there any way we can have dependant test cases in Siesta. For ex: Test A depends on Test B. If Test A fails, I needn't have to execute Test B. Like in other tools, we have an option like, @Test (dependsOnMethods = { "Test B" }) public void T...