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Meanwhile, since nested events are part of scheduling etc. it might give you a lot of overhead depending on the nature and amount of those "user created times" you are illustrating. If they aren't draggable and resizable in your UI, it might be more efficient to add them using some custom ...


thanks for posting with a test-case, helps a lot. I was able to reproduce the issue with it and have opened ticket on it here:


unfortunately the team members that can answer this are all away today, I will inform them that they should give you an answer when they are back early next week.

Sorry for the delay!

Hi, StringHelper.xss is a tag function that processes JavaScript template strings (it runs StringHelper.encodeHtml() on each expression of the template string). JavaScript unfortunately does not merge template strings used inside a template string, so it can only act on the "top level". To...
Hello, No, htmlEncode: false and StringHelper.xss / encodeHtml should work just fine, try this for example on our basic demo: { text : 'Name', field : 'name', width : 130, htmlEncode : false, renderer({ value }) { return StringHelper.xss` <div style="font-weight:bold">${value}</div> `; } }...
Hello, The renderer of the ResourceInfoColumn is private (it is not shown in the documentation). It was working previously "by luck", since the htmlEncode flag was mistakenly set to false in our sources for the column. You could set it to true as you have noticed, but since the renderer is...
Hi, Sounds like you should manage editability programmatically instead of setting the column to readonly. Add a listener for the It is called before cell editing starts, return false from it to prevent edit...

There will be an alpha-3 with all the fixes from latest patch release, hopefully in a couple of weeks put cannot promise the timeframe

What you describe sounds like what it ideally would be like in the end if done correctly. I can give you some pointers that should help you get started with it. The scenario with only two tasks is simple, the tricky bit will be that you have to propagate changes along the dependency chains in either...
Understood, to have immediate updates of the UI with that setup you would have to implement your own propagation logic locally. Something like this: Catch the date change on the task store, by listening for the update event Disable the date change listener from 1, by removing it or by bailing out ba...