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Hi, Sounds like you should manage editability programmatically instead of setting the column to readonly. Add a listener for the It is called before cell editing starts, return false from it to prevent edit...

There will be an alpha-3 with all the fixes from latest patch release, hopefully in a couple of weeks put cannot promise the timeframe

What you describe sounds like what it ideally would be like in the end if done correctly. I can give you some pointers that should help you get started with it. The scenario with only two tasks is simple, the tricky bit will be that you have to propagate changes along the dependency chains in either...
Understood, to have immediate updates of the UI with that setup you would have to implement your own propagation logic locally. Something like this: Catch the date change on the task store, by listening for the update event Disable the date change listener from 1, by removing it or by bailing out ba...
Hi, I might be misunderstanding you here, if so please elaborate. But manuallyScheduled tasks should already transition to their new "state" if you change for example their startDate . I tried it on our advanced demo, running the following on console: gantt.taskStore.traverse(task => task....
Hi, We can unfortunately not give you an estimation date. Tickets that are flagged with high-priority are picked over those that are not when a dev grabs a new ticket to work on. Which of those tickets that gets picked first is determined based on the devs expertise, how many requests / reports we h...


there is no zoom functionality for the year view. But you should be able to scale it by just setting a larger font-size using CSS.

Try something like this:

.b-panel[data-ref=year] {
	font-size : 20px;


Please take a look at the header-summary demo, it refreshes the header on event store changes:

It does so by calling scheduler.timeAxisColumn.refreshHeader()


If you are using the timeRanges feature for the lines, the CSS for it has pointer-events : none on the containing div (from the .b-sch-canvas rule). Which prevents mouse interactions. Override that in your apps CSS:

.cLine {
  pointer-events : all;
Hi, The logic for percentDone is handled by the scheduling engine, the column just shows the result. So while you can reconfigure the column to use another field, it wont give you the aggregation up to the parents. What you probably should try instead is to use an AggregateColumn, and configure it t...