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You can position fields using CSS, how come you need to move them to another container?

When it comes to overriding any of or CSS, I would recommend inspecting the DOM to find the rule you want to override and then add a more specific rule to your apps CSS This is the rule in material that hides the divider: .b-popup.b-schedulerpro-taskeditor { .b-divider { display : none !important; }...

It was deemed not needed in material, it is hidden using CSS so you can override that if you want it some other way.

Before I open a feature request on moving default items into other containers, why do you want to do it?

It is the best option I can think of with whats currently available in the API. You can inspect the sources and match the settings there (required: true in this case)

Something like this in your items config:

// Remove default name field
name: false,
// Create your own field mapped to name
myNameField : { type : 'text', ref : 'name', name : 'name', label : 'My name' },
Hi, There is no built-in way of moving a default field from its current container to another container. As far as I know it has not been previously tried or requested, but you might be able to configure the default field away ( name: false ) and instead add your own field with a matching ref and nam...


Not sure I follow what you want to achieve, but you can both rearrange the built-in fields and add your own. More information here:, and in this demo


Not sure I follow what you want to achieve, but you can both rearrange the built-in fields and add your own. More information here:, and in this demo


from reading our sources it looks like you are correct, thanks for a clear and on-point report! Have opened a ticket on fixing it:


thanks for reporting. It is an issue with the CSS for that specific demo, have opened a ticket on fixing it: