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Than you very much :)
Moreover, is it possible to take screenshot, running tests, via phantomJS?
I know that there is method to take screenshots
Is it possible to subscribe to some event, that on any test event the screenshot will be captured.
Or maybe siesta has some tool to do that?
The stack trace of error: ReferenceError: AlertDependency is not defined at eval (https://localhost:8181/ac-web-package/plugins/scheduler/view/controller/EditSlaAlertsController.js:6:332) at eval (native) at Object.Ext.globalEval (https://localhost:8181/ac-web-package/extjs/ext-all-debug.js:1366:32)...
It is kind a big project, it requires some additional app to run.
describe('Sla testing', function (t) {'Test Sla Creation', function (t) { t.chain({ waitForCQ: 'button[text=Scheduler]' }, { click: '>> button[text=Scheduler]' }, { click: '>> menuitem[text=Timetable]' }, { waitForCQ: 'panel[title=SLA]' }, { click: '>> panel[title=SLA]' }, { click: '>> button...
In try catch I get exeption that "AlertDependency is not defined" the same error which was on the beginnig of this topic, just it is not now shown in siestas test UI. :)

Maybe you can check my code of siesta configuration files, maybe there is needed some preloads?
I think some problem with `Ext.require` as for example in this code "STEP 2" is not logged. if (modControllers && modControllers.length > 0) { Ext.log("REACHED PLACE"); Ext.require(modControllers, function() { Ext.log("STEP 2"); Ext.each(modControllers, function...
There is another issue with coverage module, loading modules of web aplication. works in strange way. for first module, this code /* load AUX resources, if any */ // var auxScripts = mod.getAux(); ResourceLoader.loadSync(mod, me.onAuxLoaded, me); ---- loadSync : function(mod, callback, scope) { var ...
Ok, seems to be working.
Thank you, for good support.