// a wrapper for the gantt chart to simplify usage with react window.Gantt = React.createClass({ // supported properties propTypes : { id : React.PropTypes.string.isRequired, width : React.PropTypes.number, height : React.PropTypes.number, rowHeight : React.PropTypes.number, title : React.PropTypes.string, taskUrl : React.PropTypes.string.isRequired, dependenciesUrl : React.PropTypes.string.isRequired, preset : React.PropTypes.string, split : React.PropTypes.bool, onTaskSelect : React.PropTypes.func }, // default values getDefaultProps : function() { return { width : 1000, height : 400, split : false, rowHeight : 30 }; }, // called after reacts render, which yields a div // create an gantt chart and render it to that div componentDidMount : function() { var config = { // triton theme is borderless eventBorderWidth: 0, // store that holds all tasks taskStore : { type : 'gantt_taskstore', autoLoad : true, proxy : { type : 'ajax', url : this.props.taskUrl } }, // store that holds dependencies between tasks dependencyStore : { type : 'gantt_dependencystore', autoLoad : true, proxy : { type : 'ajax', url : this.props.dependenciesUrl } }, // gantt settings from props title : this.props.title, width : this.props.width, height : this.props.height, split : this.props.split, viewPreset : this.props.preset, rowHeight : this.props.rowHeight, // renders to a div renderTo : this.props.id, // if the callback onTaskSelect is set listeners : { taskclick : (gantt, taskRecord) => { this.props.onTaskSelect && this.props.onTaskSelect(taskRecord); } } }; // transform children into columns if (this.props.children) { config.columns = React.Children.map(this.props.children, child => { return Ext.apply({}, child.props); }); } // store the rendered gantt chart in state for later access this.setState({ widget : Ext.create('Gnt.panel.Gantt', config) }); }, // prevent react from rerendering the gantt chart shouldComponentUpdate : function() { return false; }, // can be called from parent component to add a new task addTask : function() { this.state.widget.getTaskStore().getRoot().appendChild({ Name: 'New task', leaf: true }); }, // just renders a div that we use to do the actual gantt chart rendering // columns as children, but since Column doesn't render any markup it will be empty in the dom render : function() { return (
); } }); // a column in the gantt chart, just holds config data, no ui in react // prop xtype determines type of column window.Column = React.createClass({ propTypes : { xtype : React.PropTypes.string.isRequired, flex : React.PropTypes.string, width : React.PropTypes.number }, render : function() { return null; } });