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Post by Jay »


I worked around filtering the resource assignments. The requirement is i could able to select resources in the bottom histogram window so then the selected resources assigned tasks should be filtered in the top grid.
I have done the following steps,

step 1 - created selection Model and attached to Histogram grid

var sm = Ext.create('Ext.selection.CheckboxModel');

Ext.define('Gnt.examples.advanced.view.ResourceHistogram', {
extend : 'Gnt.panel.ResourceHistogram',
alias : 'widget.resourcehistogram',
selModel: sm,
listeners : {
itemclick: function (grid, record, item, index, e) {
var selectedResources = grid.getSelectionModel().getSelection();

for (i = 0; i <= selectedResources.length - 1; i++) {
//Run Through all the selected resources


now if i select the selection check boxes, its firing the item click listener, so that i can able to get the selected resources Id.

My question is, Now I need to filter the task store based on these selected resource assignments.
Could you help me to complete this step?
HistogramFiltering.JPG (122.98 KiB) Viewed 2921 times

Post by Maxim Gorkovsky »

You can see how we filter task store in advanced example. Take a look at this method

Post by Jay »

I already checked in Sch.data.mixin.FilterableTreeStore

Sch.data.mixin.FilterableTreeStore is used to filter one task, although Is it supports to filter multiple task on the same time ?

How i can get the tasks by resourceId ? I could able to access the taskStore and resourceStore inside the method. I need to to how i can filter assigned tasks
itemclick: function (grid, record, item, index, e) {
            var selectedResources = grid.getSelectionModel().getSelection();

            for (i = 0; i <= selectedResources.length - 1; i++) {
                //Run Through all the selected resources
                // posible to call taskStore and resourceStroe
                //How can i get all the task assigned for this resource?
                //How can i filter multiple task below?
                this.taskStore.filterTreeBy(function (node) {


Post by Maxim Gorkovsky »

Our filterTreeBy works just like ext filtering: if function return true - node is included on result, otherwise it's filtered out.

To get tasks assigned for specific resource, you can use getTasksForResource method on store, or getTasks on resource instance.

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